Christian Education & Services

Welcome to the Children and Youth Ministry Page! We are so excited you stopped by!
Education Board - St. John’s Church Council has 2 elected Education Superintendents, each serving two years. The Board of Education and all School teachers meet monthly for education and planning of activities for the children. Their other responsibilities include the choosing of curriculum, Vacation Bible School week curriculum/activities, the annual summer family gathering and the annual children’s Christmas program which is part of the Christmas Eve worship service.
Sunday School - St. John holds weekly Sunday School every Sunday morning from 8:45 to 9:45 am except for Easter and Christmas Day (if it falls on a Sunday). Children are taught the true word of God using Holy Scripture, Luther’s Small Catechism, and materials from Concordia Publishing House.
Vacation Bible School - V.B.S. is offered for a week during the summer. Evening classes are held Sunday – Thursday from 5:30 pm – 7:45 pm beginning with a light meal each night. Children are offered Bible studies, crafts, games and science. The children are immersed in the word and fellowship during the week.
Christmas Eve - It is a tradition for our children in the grades pre-K thru 8th grade to present a program as part of the Christmas Eve church service. Practices are held @ 8:30 am during the Sunday school hour on the 4 Sundays before Christmas Eve.
Family Fun Night – This is an event for the entire congregation. All come together for fun, games, fellowship and cookout. The evening includes a devotion led by our Pastor, a wiener roast/potluck using our outside fire pit, and games for all ages. The night ends with roasting marshmallows and making s’mores.
Youth – Youth ages middle school - high school children are invited to attend the Youth Group. We meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month after the worship services. A light meal is served followed by a devotion and fellowship. Special outings are planned according to interest and seasons. All children are given the opportunity to attend retreats and gatherings within the area, including summer camp @ Camp Cilca and attending Higher Things Youth Conferences.
Rock Island Youth Circuit - Our youth is encouraged to attend the special outings of the Youth of Rock Island Circuit churches, participating together in learning God’s Word, mission opportunities and lots of fun activities throughout the community.